Not all people are into solving mysteries

The day Javascript was created, web site owners may have rejoiced at the wonders that man can think of in adding something to make sites more enjoyable for the readers. The readers having had some sort of amusement while browsing through were quite taken by this also. After sometime, people got tired of figuring out where the links will take them. They have to mouse over them to find the exact destination they wanted to go. Sometimes too, this design technique can be quite deceiving. Telling about a link but once readers is there, they get disappointed to note that that is not the information they expect and needed. Too much wasted effort on the side of the readers just to get something they though would only take a minute of their time. Mystery Meat Navigation, or MMN, is what they call this technique. Popular but also horrible. MMN can be very seductive if done perfectly. For those who have not yet encountered much of this design technique, chances are they would probably fall into its trap and be hooked even before they know it and even if they want to or not. They look pretty cool on sites too and design awards have already been won by some sites that use this style. MMN makes site look clean and polished because of the non-existence of long winding texts. Thus taking the concept of