Website Design Mishaps - How to Avoid Costly Errors That Can Crush Your Chances of Success

Designing your website can be a difficult task especially if you decide to do it on your own and you have no experience. There are many websites and web hosts that provide tools to allow you to build your website, but if you have no knowledge of what works and what does not work in web design, you could be setting yourself up for a big fall. Review the following suggestions, implement them into your web design, and forget about being the guy with a badly designed web page. Suggestion #1 - Not Providing Information One of the biggest design flaws of many different websites is the lack of information. The best websites have tons of information as well as FAQ sections where you can have the majority of your questions answered immediately without having to worry about contacting anybody. Suggestion #2 - No Advertisements Web surfers avoid advertisements, blinking text, and banner ads, so if these exists on your pages they will simply ignore them and leave. The biggest problem is that often times websites do not have actual advertising, they do have a design flaw which makes certain text appear as advertising. You should avoid this at all costs because people will not look at this favorably. Suggestion #3 - No Marketing or Search Engine Indexing Another problem many websites have is they do not put much effort into website marketing or search engine optimization. If you do not focus on this, it won