10 Website Blunders Guaranteed to Send Your Visitors Elsewhere

When you build your website you need to have a plan first. The reason for this is if you do not have a plan you will likely make mistakes, forget to include information, and overall have an unorganized and not a well thought out page. While you might read the page and completely understand everything, remember that your website visitor did not design the page and needs a little more direction. Read the following 10 website blunders that are common and will make your visitors head to another site quickly. Blunder #1 Contact Information You need to provide your contact information, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and physical address if important. The reason for this is if a potential customer wants to contact you for whatever reason they can! Blunder #2 Poor Organization Make sure your website is well organized and that all links are obvious. You should even use subheadings to make it even more clear where information is. You don