10 Ways To Benefit From A Short Web Address

10 Ways To Benefit From A Short Web Address by: William R. Nabaza of http://www.Nabaza.com 1. They are user-friendly urls - only a few letters to type on the keyboard. 2. Fast to exchange urls, especially in chat room where the width of the chat panel will break a long web address. 3. Fast recall of your web address. 4. Search engine-friendly web address. It will facilitate in crawling or spidering by robots. 5. If your web site is down, you can login and change the target web address whenever possible. 6. It will not break in email messages. 7. Your affiliate commissions will not be easily stolen especially when you use the mask option. 8. You can protect, cloak or hide your real web address. 9. No need to register a domain name there are services out there which are free and you can use as long as you want. 10. You can easily include it in your SMS, wap, or desktop alert messages without worry that it will be cut off by the message editor panel. For all of these, you can benefit using http://www.w1n.org/ - We all w1n here and you are f1rst. ----