Custom Error Pages

Ever get a complaint from a customer or visitor about broken links or error pages which seem to randomly appear on your site? Here's the solution... make your own custom error page which will forward visitors to any page you specify. You may choose to send them to your home page, or perhaps a special information page asking them to notify you of the problem. HOW? Make your custom page and upload it to your server. Look on your server for a file called .htaccess using your FTP program. If you do not find one, create a new file in notepad and name it .htaccess -- upload this file to your server's root directory. Now, you will need to add a special line to the file to make your custom error page work. Click on the file on your server and click the "edit" button. Add the following text to a new line: ErrorDocument 404 That's all there is to it! This "may" not work on some servers, but you never know until you give it a try. No More Errors!