How To Start A Linking Campaign

Getting links to a new website, without Google page rank, can be difficult and sometimes nearly impossible. Most of the websites that have a good page rank in the first place, don't link back to sites without page rank. Some of the webmasters won't even link back to sites unless they have a page rank of 4 or more. Everybody knows that link popularity is one of the most important factors for getting high search engine rankings. So getting links in to your site should be one of your main goals in your everyday work for your site. I struggled hard in the beginning. I sent hundreds of link requests every day. If I was lucky, I got one link back. It was simply too much work considering I did not get much in return. Now I know that I should have done things a little different. First of all, I should have started out by sending my link to web directories, instead of using my time asking for links from webmasters that will not link back most of the time. Including your link in various web directories is often the easiest way of getting good links to your site. Many of the directories are free and don't require a reciprocal link. Second, I started writing articles about the theme of my site. This seems to be the best way of getting links and targeted traffic. In the beginning, it can be a little hard to find things to write about. The main thing is to write about the theme of your website. For instance, writing about dogs when your site is about cats won't get you the visitors that you want. When you write an article that has some relevance to your site, you will get targeted visitors when they click the link at the bottom of your article. And by using your targeted keywords in the link description, you will get higher link popularity. HELP FINDING WEB DIRECTORIES TO GET LISTED IN This site shows major directories, targeted directories, and directories from all over the world. The site is updated every week with new directory listings. This site features an alphabetical list of free directories. It also shows the page rank for each directory they list. WHERE TO SEND YOUR ARTICLES A very high traffic site with high page rank. This site offers a paid distribution service for your articles. It's worth every penny. Your article and link is spread all over the Internet with each article that you distribute through their service. MORE LINKING HELP There are many other linking strategies that you can use to get targeted traffic to your site. One of the ebooks that I recommend about linking, is "Power Linking 2: Evolution." I learned almost everything I know about linking from this ebook. It is worth every penny I spent to purchase it as well.