How To Decide What Size Implants for Breast Enlargement

I don't know a thing about you, but I'll bet that deciding on what size breast implants you want now that you have decided on breast surgery, scares you to death? Nobody wants to look "Plastic Fantastic", but we all want to look great! Choosing the size you want to be is often one of the biggest decisions you will need to make. It is important to take the time to decide what you'll be happy with. I know that as the time got closer to my surgery day, I found myself doing what probably comes naturally to most men - I became a breast watcher! Until then I had no idea of the many different shapes and sizes that existed. It sure made me realise what I did NOT want! A good surgeon will be able to judge from your frame, and especially your height, approximately what will be the best size for you. It makes sense that the taller you are, the larger implant you can have without it looking wrong. However, the decision is ultimately yours. There are 3 recognised and reliable methods for deciding on final implant size that you can easily do for yourself: 1. The Rice Test 2. The Water Test 3. Implant Sizers We generally use the "cup size" method in order to discuss breast size, but everyone knows how unreliable this is. That is because the cup size system, introduced by the Warner Brothers Corset Company in the 1930's relies on indirect measurements to infer the volume of the breast. It varies widely based as much upon the size of the person as on the breast. Therefore, it is volume that is used for determining the implant size. It might be interesting to note that the advice I gleaned from reading posts in chat rooms and talking to my surgeon, was that if a woman is to have any regrets post-surgery, it is usually that she did not go big enough. You are going through an awful lot of expense, inconvenience and discomfort, so you may as well make it count! I did (only by 40cc), and I have not regretted it! My final size is a very comfortable and flattering 340cc. This equates to a much longed for DD cup (from a B cup). A good idea is also to use the "rice test", or what I used - the "water test". What this involves is getting 2 plastic bags (or surgical gloves with the fingers knotted) and a sports bra of the new size you desire to be. Fill the bags with varying amounts of rice or water (make it warm water!), placing the bags inside the bra, then try on various clothing. I found it easier to lay the bra on my bed, place the water bags into the empty bra, then lean myself into the filled bra and do it up. This tip saves a lot of shoving and potentially burst bags! Walk around, look at how it looks/feels until you get the right amount. Now empty and measure the rice/water, then contact the surgeon with your desired size in time for him/her to have the correct implant (and they will need 2 sizes either size of this just in case on the day there is more/less room inside your breast than anticipated). This is where I found water the better option - it's easier to measure correctly the cc's! (Note that 1cc = 1ml). However, if using rice, here is an approximate conversion chart: 1 cup = 236cc 1/2 cup = 118cc 3/4 cup = 177cc 1/4 cup = 59cc 1/3 cup = 78cc 2/3 cup = 156cc 1/8 cup = 30cc You can also ask your surgeon for implant sizers that you slip inside a bra of your desired size to try on different implant sizes. It is useful to remember, though, that implants typically appear up to 20% smaller after they are implanted. This may be because the look is different with the implant "stacked on" externally, as opposed to integrated with your breast into one unified shape.