Choosing the Right Swimsuit or Bikini for Every Occasion

Most women own at least a couple of swimsuits or bikinis. Some of these swimsuits may be old, comfortable favorites, while some may be trendy and new for the summer season. Doubtlessly, some of the swimsuits are more modest; others are sexier and flashier. With all of the choices that most women seem to have in their swimsuit wardrobe, choosing the right swimsuit for every occasion can become quite a daunting task. Swimsuits are designed and intended for a wide variety of purposes and activities, from swimming laps to attracting men at the beach. With all of these different swimsuits to choose from, it can become quite difficult to select the most appropriate swimsuit for the occasion. In the following paragraphs, you will find a brief guide to several of the most common swimsuit-wearing activities or outings, along with a recommended swimsuit style and color for that activity or occasion. Serious Swimming: Of course, almost every woman knows that a sexy, skimpy bikini is hardly the best choice for swimming laps. No matter how much spandex is contained in that small amount of material, it is not likely to stay put and remain comfortable for serious swimming. However, swimming laps at the local pool or gym does not have to merit your drabbest or most boring swimsuit. For a good fit and look while swimming laps, try a one-piece swimsuit with a polyester blend. A polyester-blend swimsuit should stay put and go the distance with you. Vertical stripes down both sides of the suit can help define the waist and add a little style to your swimsuit. While white is probably not the best color choice for lap swimming (it has a tendency to show through), almost any other color is appropriate for this activity. Feel free to indulge you inner sense of style and fashion when choosing a swimsuit color for serious swimming activities. To test the comfort and fabric flexibility in your swimsuit, be sure to circle the arms and rotate the shoulders in the dressing room. Beach Volleyball: Beach sports like volleyball or Frisbee require a swimsuit that will stay in place during extreme amounts of bodily movement, similar to lap swimming. However, being on the beach where hundreds of people are likely to view your swimsuit or bikini also requires a sexier, more attractive swimsuit than lap swimming would warrant. In this way, beach volleyball and other beach sports pose a rather challenging problem for swimsuit selection. The best bikini option for beach sports is a halter top with a tie front and back paired with either short boy shorts or brief-style bikini bottoms that sit on the hips. This type of bikini won