Submission and Obedience

Studies have shown that eighty percent, of all males and females, fit into standard categories of strengths and weaknesses. Thus, it is comfortable, convenient, and or best fits their abilities for them to follow traditional teachings for their roles. If where you are within the eighty percent bracket, this article may not be for you. Though, if you are in the other twenty percent category, likely, your mate will be too. In such cases, a marriage works much better when couples stop trying to fill standard expectations and carry the roles God best equipped each for. However God created you; He did not make a mistake. Having once experienced an abusive marriage and another kind of abuse in the church, thought to be the wrong gender to serve God, I had great need to 'know' God's intent for submission and obedience. First, in an abusive relationship, obeying means things like ~ if you open a two liter of pop while the mate it away, some of the fiz could possibly fizzle out and who knew that would make them angry!? Though, you can expect to find yourself curled into a corner, in the fetal position, protecting as many body parts as possible. And, when the church tells wives to obey, the message is that this is what God is like. Then, when God's calling was contrary to authority's acceptance, it would eat at my soul. God did not stop calling, as He did not change His mind (Ro. 11:29). To hear the cries of others in need and to not be able to do anything about it was as much torment as being held captive/prisoner