I'm in Love

My life has taught me much about love. Being in love is a wonderful and exciting feeling. Your body is possessed by emotions and a joy and happiness that overwhelms you. When one is young, we accept this as a part of our youth, but with the mistaken thought that these are the feelings reserved for the young. When I was a young girl I knew what "being in love" was all about. With it was pain and agony, yet it also held passion and joy. Love was all about boys, and then men. Later in life I learned that love was about children, then grandchildren and all different types of love. Was this still the same as being in love? When I started writing, I wrote about many things close to my heart. Poetry about life, death,dissapointment and yearnings. I then started writing a novel. My emotions and deep feelings emerged and slowly the story that came out was that of some past experiences of my own. One novel grew to two novels. I realized that though I wrote of romance, and life my books were filled with yet another love. My love of a city. Montreal is a city I left when I was sixteen years old, I came to Los Angeles and spent most of my life living there. i never felt a love for Los Angeles, though I can say that most of my happy times and memories are in that city. But I have realized as I get older and wiser, that I am in love with Montreal. It would be difficult if not impossible to explain why. Something is embedded deep within my soul, and will never leave me. I tried to explain some of my feelings in an article called " Montreal: The Unusual City." However this is just a touch of what lies deeper. For now, I will only say that, "Yes, I am in love, and the object of this affection is the beautiful city of Montreal." http://www.annelebrecht.com "Memories of a Forgotten Past" "Discoveries of a Hidden Past" Anne Lebrecht copyright 2006