Oh, So That's How You Spell It!

Regardless of what you've been told, spelling does matter. This little guide puts the most commonly misspelled words at your finger tips. It isn't every word, but it contains the ones I've come across during my years teaching. My bear in the woods is the word "separate." For some reason I keep wanting to stick an "e" in there. (sigh) Oh, by the way, the most often misspelled word is......misspell! A absence accidentally accommodate accumulate achievement acquaintance acquire acquitted advice advise amateur among analysis analyze annual apartment apparatus apparent appearance arctic arguing argument arithmetic ascend athletic attendance B balance battalion beginning belief believe beneficial benefited boundaries Britain business C calendar candidate category cemetery changeable changing choose chose coming commission committee comparative compelled conceivable conferred conscience conscientious conscious control controversial controversy criticize D deferred definitely definition describe description desperate dictionary dining disappearance disappoint disastrous discipline dissatisfied dormitory E effect eighth eligible eliminate embarrass eminent encouragement encouraging environment equipped especially exaggerate excellence exhilarate existence existent experience explanation F familiar fascinate February fiery foreign formerly forty fourth frantically G generally government grammar grandeur grievous H height heroes hindrance hoping humorous hypocrisy hypocrite I immediately incidentally incredible independence inevitable intellectual intelligence interesting irresistible K knowledge L laboratory laid led lightning loneliness lose losing M maintenance maneuver manufacture marriage mathematics maybe mere miniature mischievous mysterious N necessary ninety noticeable O occasionally occurred occurrence omitted opinion opportunity optimistic P paid parallel paralysis paralyze particular pastime performance permissible perseverance personal personnel perspiration physical picnicking possession possibility possible practically precede precedence preference preferred prejudice preparation prevalent principal principle privilege probably procedure proceed profession professor prominent pronunciation pursue Q quantity quizzes R recede receive receiving recommend reference referring repetition restaurant rhyme rhythm ridiculous S sacrifice sacrilegious salary schedule seize sense separate separation sergeant severely shining similar sincerely sophomore specifically specimen statue studying succeed succession surprise T technique temperamental tendency tragedy transferring tries truly tyranny U unanimous undoubtedly unnecessary until usually V village villain W weather weird whether woman women writing