How to Write Profitable Web Content

Niche marketing is the current top online advertising technique. And for a good reason. It works. Niche marketing is essentially marketing to a very specific, and focused, targeted group. A niche can be as broad or as narrow as you want. A narrow focus on a particular niche, or topic, is what is called as niche marketing. For example, if you have a website on fishing tips you would focus each page on a narrower niche. A sub-topic that appeals to a very specific audience. Like bass fishing. You could then even focus it more to Florida bass fishing techniques or late summer bass fishing techniques. That's niche marketing in a nutshell. But, in order to make this type of online marketing work you need to employ a very focused web site strategy. Mainly, writing articles for your web content that people will be looking for. But, how do you do that? How do you write articles, for web content, to maximize the niche marketing strategy? It takes a little practice, but it can be mastered quite easily. Here's three article writing tips that will help your web content stand out and presell your visitor to buy either your product or an affiliate product. People like to read articles that appeal to them Before you begin writing your website content take a second to think about what people are already reading. Magazines are an incredible resource for this. Let's look at the fishing example again. Pick up the lastest issue of any fishing magazine, and if you're using bass fishing... a bass fishing magazine, and take a look through it. What are the current topics being written about? What is the main feature? What are the people asking for in the question and answer section? People buy these magazines because the articles are what they want to read. While online writing is a little different, that principle is the same. People want to read something they are interested in. And the key to this is information. Not fluff. If you make the effort to provide top quality information in your articles, people will continue to visit your site to read more. Website visitors will also put away some, not all, but some of their distrust with new websites if your articles are something they can sink their teeth into. When that happens, you are effectively preselling that visitor to spend money on your product. Write the articles short and consice Every once in a while you might get away with a long article, but the standard rule is short, concise and to the point. While a great illustration can pull someone in to the article you don't want it to go on forever. State the point you want to make, or what you will be showing someone to do, and get on with it. Time is the issue here. People just don't have it anymore. Look at it this way... What do you do when you're surfing? Click, click, click, click... and so on and so on. You're clicking away to get to the next site. You only allot a certain amount of time to a site and then you're gone. If you're writing a bass fishing article on how to get the biggest fish at the end of the summer season, then get to it. Don't spend eight paragraphs talking about your last trip. Three is ok, then get to the information. Your sentences should be short, without a lot of running on and on. Short, concise statements. Your paragraphs should also be no more than two to three sentences. Sometimes, when it is depends on the coninuity of your thought, you can go a little longer. Put as much information as you can into the article right from the start. Don't try to lead the reader on and on while setting up your point. Get to it and get over it. It's ok to get a little emotional The main reason you're writing a ton of articles is for profit. You can disguise the aritcles as providing information, but your main reason for those articles is profit. You want to presell someone into buying your product, or an affiliate product, so you make money. So, with that in mind, it's ok to work on the emotions of the reader. People buy based on feelings. And more often than not, spur of the moment feelings. Again, back to the bass fishing topic. If I was to write an article on how to catch a huge bass I would definitely use facts, figures, and show some pictures of big bass to get the reader worked into a fishing frenzy. One great writing technique to do this is to write the article in a story telling format. You start writing like you're in the boat fishing and detail your steps (the informative part) and what happens then the fish start biting (the emotional part). I've written several articles this way and always see huge preselling results. Niche Marketing and article writing go hand in hand The bottom line to an online business in profit. To do this, the best way is to market to a narrow niche to maximize the results from your website visitors. And to do that you have to have the right visitors. Your web content is what brings in the exact visitors that are interested in your products. Use these three simple article writing tips in your web content and you'll see amazing preselling results.