"What Are Your Eyes On?"

WHAT ARE YOUR EYES ON? We live in unprecedented times. We live in the media age where we can actually witness bloating, floating bodies, disease-infested birds flocking, alligator-eating, foreign pythons loosed and at large. What is happening to our land, our country, our world? We are living in the times similar to the times of the children of Israel about to be led out of Egypt. We are dealing with the hard- heartedness of the spirit of pharaoh. Exactly what is the spirit of pharaoh? It is anything that has you bound and won't turn you loose; addictions of any kind; unbridled sexuality, gross materialism, etc.. Racial hatred is at an all time high. The wheat are being separated from the tares right now. Where do you stand? What will you do when your city has a catastrophe? Will you ever be safe enough when nature has become our enemy? God's judgment has come upon the face of the earth. Each day a new area is pummeled with disaster. During these trying times, are your eyes on silver and gold, pleasant meats to eat, sculpted bodies? My friends, none of these things will help you in the day of trouble. Make peace with God. Learn about Him.. I don't care what you have been taught, dig deeper. If you do not know the truth that is in The Book, than you are in deep trouble, my friend. Prophecy is being fulfilled each and every day. The voice of the prophet is saying, "Go straight." Lest you be taken in an evil net. Hell is filling. The devil knows that his time is short and he is trying to take out as many souls as he can. The Father wants to fill his house with sons and daughters. Do as many good works as you can, sacrifice for someone else. Stop counting the cost. Give: sow in this time of famine. Don't think highly of yourself. Lose your pride. Life is a fleeting thing. Get to know the Prince of Peace. .