Web Writing: Create Writing Flow With Four Uncommon Connectors

Web Writing: Create Writing Flow With Four Uncommon Connectors Connectors -- conjunctions, punctuation, and transitional phrases -- allow readers to process information promptly by creating balance and relationships between sentence parts. The connectors are performing the same work as verbs, objects, modifiers and multiple subjects. Here are four uncommon connections that will create an easier flow for your readers: 1. Parallel Constructions. This side-by-side structure builds the bond between multiple joined parts. Example: In the children's story, Peter Pan stresses the need "for Wendy to sew" his shadow back on, "for her to return" to Never Never Land with him to take care of the Lost Boys, and "for them to leave" before her parents returned. 2. Beginning your sentence with a conjunction. One way to divide a long sentence or several independent clauses is to make each clause an independent sentence. And, but and or are three common conjunctions used frequently. This shortens the sentence, creates a conversational level, and keeps the reader moving forward. 3. Creating A Series Without A Conjunction. Using punctuation, usually commas but not limited to them, instead of words to separate, opens the door of possibilities in the reader