How to Share Your Hard Earned Expertise for Huge Fees

Last month I sat beside a successful insurance sales person at a wedding reception. He told me he was very successful in sales and that he had a formula for success that allowed him to achieve a high level income and corresponding lifestyle. He also said that he would be retiring in a couple of years and was concerned that he would become restless after the initial excitement of retirement faded. I asked him if he ever thought of writing a manual outlining his success formula and giving presentations to other sales people on how to apply it to their professional lives. He said he hadn't but was definitely interested in finding out more about it. Here is what I told him. * There are literally thousands of professionals and other skilled people out there in the business world and in the professions with a wealth of accumulated knowledge and information at their fingertips. * There are thousands who are hungry to hear what you have learned over your career. * There is huge money in sharing your knowledge and expertise. * If you have given " Knock 'Em Dead" presentations in the past why not continue doing it on your own time for very impressive fees? * You begin by taking a problem that you know exists and needs solving within your industry and then offering solutions to that problem. You write the solutions out in a manual or special report and then offer your information product for sale within your profession using professional publications to advertise in. At the same time you make it known within your profession and in your manual that you are available to conduct seminars and workshops on the topic. Accept every invitation to speak that comes your way. As the word spreads about your " Knock 'Em Dead" style and the effectiveness of your message in solving a specific problem you soon become known as an expert in the field and requests for you to speak start pouring in. * Stay within the industry you know well. If your manual applies to other related industries you can venture into newer pastures after you are established in the one you know best. It is better to be a big fish in a smaller pond so to speak. Who can benefit from improving their public speaking skills and offering them to the marketplace? * health care workers ( nurses, chiropractors, doctors, alternative health care providers) * teachers ( They have an advantage over those who aren't trained in the art of presentation) * human resource consultants * financial planners * business managers / office managers/ supervisors * writers * consultants * auto mechanics * trades people * social workers The list is endless. Anyone who relates well to people and has a certain expertise can earn fantastic fees giving speeches.