Interviewing? Follow These 7 Tips To Set Yourself Apart

Successful interviewing is not only about talking up your skills and accomplishments, it's also about selling yourself. Prospective employers are looking for a lot more in addition to knowing that you can technically handle the job. Your attitude and work ethic are some of the things that you can use to sell yourself on your next interview. Follow these 7 steps and you'll breeze through your next interview. In fact, you may do so well that they might want to hire you right on the spot! 1. First, find out everything you can about the company you'd be working for. You can get this from their web page or a company pamphlet. Learn about everything from their customers to their mission statement. Find out their goals and tie your goals into that. Finding out this type of information gives you great insights on what kinds of questions to ask your interviewer and shows them that you've done your research and already have some background in the company's business and objectives. 2. Study the job description. Taking your own strengths, find a way to tie something you excel at into a skill needed for this new job. Try to talk about a previous job where you accomplished some goal that is part of this new job description. Employers will more seriously consider applicants who have a background and a track record in their industry than those who do not. 3. First impressions count. And more so in interviews than anything else! Make sure you dress appropriately, but don't overdress or dress above the job. Make sure you get there with plenty of time to fill out forms etc. Plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of time. If you think traffic will be bad, give yourself even more time but don't go in to announce yourself until about 10 minutes before the agreed on time. Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact throughout the discussion process. Be enthusiastic, personable and outgoing. Show a sincere interest in the people you meet and the work you'd be doing. Interviewers can tell if you're desperate! 4. Most jobs require problem solving skills and the ability to work well under pressure. Try talking about a particular problem you might face and how you would solve it. List other times when you had to perform under pressure and how you handled it. Don't be nervous during your interview - presenting a calm and confident demeanor will really help with the interviewers impression of you. Sit up straight and look the person in the eye and whatever you do don't fidget, slouch, drum your fingers or bite your nails! 5. You should always have questions to ask at the end of the interview. Let the interview process take it's course and wait for them to ask you if you have any questions. Some questions you might want to ask include: Is it a new position or filling a vacancy? What is the turnover rate in the department? Ask any questions that will help you find out if the company will be good to work for. 6. If, on an interview, you are asked something that makes you feel uncomfortable, simply politely ask them why they would like to know that. Employers are prohibited from asking questions that are personal, including references to race, gender, marital status, sexual preference and child care. Your interview should focus on ow you fit into the job not personal issues. 7. One thing that people often forget is to make sure they follow up after the interview. A short thank you note can help keep your name at the forefront of candidates for the job. Recount your strengths and how they match to the job and state why you think you are the perfect fit. Close the note by letting the interviewer know of your sincere interest in the position and your confidence in doing it well. So there you go, 7 simple steps that are sure to impress any prospective employer - and maybe even yourself! Good luck!