Finding a Job with the Right Work Environment

All of us would like to believe that we get along with everyone and some of us are still thick-headed enough to believe we do. However, there will always be certain types of people that you really don't do well working with. Whether it is men, women, Type A personalities, over-bearing people or whatever the case may be, you need to end your job search by accepting a position where you will be able to work. Define where you can work The first step in determining if you can work somewhere is to determine the types of situations where you do not do well. If you are not good working for over-bearing men, then I recommend that you do not accept an offer from a company where the interviewer (your future boss) was a pompous, over-bearing fool. No matter how bad you need the job, you certainly do not want to be looking for a new job in six to twelve months just because you accepted a position in a situation where you cannot work. If you just have to have money coming in the door, get a temp job while searching for a career position. Pay attention during interviews One important exercise to help you find places where you can work is to pay attention during your interview. While everyone gets nervous when they have an interview, there are several things you can do to help you notice things around you. First, arrive early. Second, watch your interviewer's behavior before, during and after the interview. Finally, watch how your interviewer corresponds with other employees if you are being interviewed by more than one person. Arriving early allows you to watch other employees as they pass or as they work. Watching your interviewer allows you to see if they are stressed, if they like what they do or if they look like they are ready to hit the door. Watching how your interviewer interacts with others is a good indication of company dynamics and culture. The last step to ensuring that you can work at a place is to ask questions during your interview. Don't be afrai