Relaxing at Work

Relaxing on the Job Bruce Taylor Unison Coaching Lots of coaches teach relaxation techniques, and most of them start, "Go to a quiet room where you can be alone..." With all due respect, in most offices there are no quiet rooms, and there is no time to be alone. And the time you most need relaxation is during a meeting when you've been given yet another assignment. When you can't find a quiet, secluded spot, try this relaxation technique: * Pick some object on the other side of the room, and concentrate all your attention on it. * Take one deep breath through your mouth and let it out slowly through your nose. * Now take ten slow breaths in the following way: slowly breath in through your nose, imagining the air flowing in and filling your lungs; then slowly breathe out through your mouth, imagining your lungs emptying. Each breath should take at least two seconds. * After ten breaths, let your attention come back from the spot on the wall to whatever is happening around you. And that's all: the whole exercise takes less than thirty seconds and it will help calm you and help keep you from stressing out. It's only a band-aid solution, but at least you can do it daily and without attracting notice.