Job Search Pals Find Jobs Faster!

JOB SEARCH PALS FIND JOBS FASTER! Most English speakers have heard the expression: "Two heads are better than one". The saying rings ever more true with job seekers. Think of this. The lonely job seeker is attempting to find a job by him/herself. The tedious job of filling out applications, composing a good resume, answering ads and pounding the pavement to find a job is enough to depress any lone job seeker. However, teaming up with a buddy can work wonders. The pal you find does not have to be looking for the same kind of job that you are. The purpose for being pals is to: 1. Provide a measure of emotional support. 2. Pass on possible job leads. 3. Shore up weaknesses, such as resume building. 4. Combine research & resources. One person drives to an interview with their pal, next time the pal drives. (Less chance of nervous- ness & saves gas) 5. Provides a sense of perspective & humor. (It's hard to be gloomy with a partner who needs you to be upbeat). 6. Each person can serve as an analyst about what is working well & what is not in the job search. 7. Pals can become friends after one gets a job. (A good pal roots for you to stay on the job).