Sell Yourself through Your Resume and Increase Your Salary 50%

Does your resume look like your grandfather put it together in about 15 minutes? If you were a hiring manager, would you be impressed with your own resume? Does your resume still have an objective that says something like, "to get an exciting job in my field?" And does your resume still have the last line that says References available upon request? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, it is time to change to that worn out resume. When you begin looking for a new job, you have to put together a marketing package that could sell ice to Eskimos. One large part of that marketing package is you but another large part is your resume. Make some changes If you want to use your resume to increase your salary 10%, 15%, even 20%, then make some minor changes and hope for the best. If you want to increase your salary 40% or 50%, then make some drastic changes and even consider hiring a professional to help you with your resume. In today