Women and Menopause...........

Menopause is an irreversible process and inseparable of the aging in a woman's reproductive system, after which she can no longer menstruate. Climacteric is the general term for the time from the period of this transition to the early postmenopausal phase of a woman's reproductive life cycle.

Perimenopause refers to the time before menopause when vasomotor symptoms and irregular menses often commence. Menopause, by definition, begins 12 months after the final menses and is characterized by a continuation of vasomotor symptoms and by urogenital symptoms such as vaginal dryness and dyspareunia.


The symptoms can be attributed by the facts that some women just stop having periods. Others go through several years of symptoms. The most common symptom of menopause is hot flashes. Other physical symptoms might be aching joints and muscles, fatigue, weight gain or skin changes. Blood tests can confirm menopausal status.

Most of the common symptoms that occur during menopause can be illustrated as follows: