Interview Thank-You Letters

Interview Thank-You Letters The number one etiquette tip for interviews is writing a thank-you letter. This is not a tool commonly used by job seekers right now. If you are looking for an advantage and a way to stick out above the other job applicants then follow up your interview by showing appreciation and courtesy. The letter should be written and sent within 24 hours of your interview and sent to all people who either interviewed you or helped you out in the process. If it is not appropriate to send a letter to everyone who was involved with your interview, then just send one to the highest-ranking interviewer. Writing to the employer is another way to showcase skills and competency in communication and your career. Make sure your letter is understandable, easy to read and professional yet personal. Now that you have met the person or people you are writing to it is okay to include some personalization. The letter format should include the following: