Telling it like it is

The 'tone and manner' of business correspondence going to clients is something that receives scant attention in most organizations. Advertisements are usually subjected to exaggerated scrutiny, but non-advertising communication is often of the 'default' sort. This is bad news in corporate image terms. Some thoughts which might help change this: 1) The 'old days' of using extremely formal, legalistic or archaic language forms are gone. This is largely as a result of e-mail, SMS, teleconferencing, videoconferencing, movies, actuality TV, radio broadcast informality, development of the global village and the like. Even the BBC - the last bastion of so-called 'Queen's English', has for years already showcased a plethora of regional and international accents along with stylistic and delivery differences. Even given the legislative and other constraints of some professions remember that good communication is simple communication. Slipping into 'ghastlies' like 'heretoforementioned', 'as per', 'your telecon refers', 'will revert' and such clich