The Difference Between a Copy Editor and a Story Editor

Copyright 2006 Black Butterfly Press It is often said that if they had to choose, many novelists would prefer to have the developmental (or content) editing completed on their manuscripts versus the copy editing. Why? Because if the story is good, people will overlook a missing comma. But conversely, all the grammatical edits in the world will not bring a fictional story alive, without using various developmental techniques. >From experience as a story editor of over 170 books, I've learned that a good story editor can make a novel work, however, a copy editor can not accomplish this alone. For example, I've worked with a copy editor who can go behind my work and improve any fictional manuscript I've completed. In fact, with her line edit, this editor might even discover holes in the story, which further tightens up the plot. Nonetheless, for all her skills as a copy editor, she cannot make the characters leap off the page in fiction. Her copy edit works fine in nonfiction, but even in memoirs, there are fictional elements, which will make the book more believable. Without it, a memoir will be one long narrative, without any dialogue, or without any recreating of scenes. As a last step, there is a book doctor who can read the final product as a whole and determine if the story, including the ending, works for the novel. They will also tell you if you have an interesting protagonist who can sustain a reader's attention for 300 pages plus. Bottom line is this. A copy edit is very necessary to a manuscript, but it cannot save a hackneyed plot that only flaunts flat narrative. However, a good content edit can resuscitate a story by rerouting the tracks of the tale. A novelist would do well to go through both levels of editing as they complement one another. In that first level of editing, these are just some of the things a good story edit can bring to the table for your book. 1. A good story edit will develop the different nuances, contradictions, and core values of your characters. By the same token, it will also show the other characters' opposing values, which will deepen the conflict among the characters. 2. A good story edit will help develop the back-story of your protagonist. 3. A good story edit will help you develop your antagonists, so that they are not all bad or your stereotypical villains. 4. A good story edit will help you tie up all the subplots and story questions. 5. A good story edit will clean up your prose when it comes to clich