Prom Night Rocks!

Ladies and gentlemen, prom night is one of the most anticipated nights of the whole year! It is filled with great expectations and plans but sometimes doesn't end up exactly the way you had envisioned. Here are a few pointers to make it an occasion you will remember for many years to come! One of the most common reasons people have bad experiences at proms is because the companions they choose to spend prom night with. Romance seems easy and simple for couples, but it is not always the best scenario for someone on their own. Be smart about what company you choose and remember that dying romances, quasi-friendships, or even a volatile relationship has no place on your prom night. Remember also, that unless you come from a rich family, stick to a budget. You will be glad you did, after all, proms are expensive. Consider the expense you have paid for your outfit, tickets and transportation (sometimes in the form of a limo) All tolled, it could run into the hundreds of dollars. How about borrowing an outfit from a friend or parent, and "chipping in" on a limo as a group, or going dutch on tickets. Peer pressure and pop culture have many teens believing that prom night and alcohol go hand-in- hand. Don't fall into that fallacy. It is not reality and if you are caught drinking and driving, your special night could end up one of your worst nights. After all, it is not much fun spending the next day hanging over a toilet or sleeping it off in a corner. Play it smart and stay straight. Also, remember that it is easy to get caught up in the romance when the romantic whirlwind blows through the prom, and thinking sex would be a great topping to a fun night. Consider the implications of a hasty sexual encounter. Today it pays to think twice. Prom night is exciting and all it really is, is just a big part with fancy clothes. After all, it won't be so much different than any other party you attend throughout the year. Congratulations on all of your hard work and enjoy the prom! Terry Price is a regular author to- where you can get the tux you need and all kinds of other prom information.