How Do They Do It? Learning from the Great Magicians.

Just what is this thing we call "magic"? Let's consider the definition that comes to us from Webster's dictionary: "The art of persons who claim to be able to do things by the help of supernatural creatures or by their own knowledge of nature's secrets.... Something that charms; any seemingly hidden or secret power; as, the magic of a voice; the magic of a great name.... Sleight of hand.... Seemingly requiring more than human power; startling in performance; producing effects which seem supernatural...." Pretty interesting stuff, right?! In this definition we get a whole bunch of different ideas, all of them working together and yet somehow contradicting each other. On the one hand, we have the idea that there's something supernatural at work. Something superhuman, or "out of this world." But at the same time we are meant to understand that it's only "seemingly" so. Magicians "claim" to have special powers, but whether they actually do is up for debate. Nevertheless, Webster's definition of magic helps to give us a starting point for our journey through this ancient art form. What Is Magic? At its most basic, the word "magic" carries with it the idea of special powers, or at least the illusion of possessing such powers. At one end of the spectrum, the word implies someone who has the ability to do things that few other mortal beings can do. A magician in this sense would be someone who, for example, is able to walk on fire, levitate off the ground, or read other people's minds. The other end of the spectrum, however, has a more practical or even cynical understanding of the term. It takes the view that magic is a form of trickery, even deliberate deceit. A magician in this sense of the word is someone skilled at lying and who is cleverer than his audience. He is intent on "pulling the wool over" others' eyes. In reality, and for our purposes, let's come to an understanding of magic that takes the middle ground. Magic isn't pure supernatural power, but it isn't garden variety mean-spirited deception, either. A good magician is one who gives the appearance of possessing special powers, an impression that both he and his audience agree to believe in together. Magic is meant not to outwit, fool or upset anyone-it's meant to surprise, astonish and delight. In this view, magic is something wonderful and enjoyable, both for the practitioner and for the audience members who are also involved. It is an entertainment, a diversion, an escape from our mundane, ordinary lives. It is a chance for all of us to brush up against the possibility of something greater than ourselves! The Magic Superstars Just as there are movie stars, super athletes, and Nobel Prize-winning authors, there are also some magicians whose talents and skills set them apart from the rest. All of us amateur magicians admire them and can stand to learn a lot from these magic superstars! This article was extracted from the book 'Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know'. To find out more please visit www.DiscoverMagicTricks .com