Pest Control Tips for Maintaining Your Greenhouse

Greenhouses provide a warm, humid atmosphere and are home to a variety of different plants and flowers which is why they are a perfect target for insects. There are numerous types of insects which will want to live in your greenhouse and feed off of the wonderful plants and flowers which you have put so much time and effort into maintaining. The information below will provide you with tips and guidelines to follow in order to ensure you are doing everything in your power to ward off any unwanted pests. The first step in learning how to prevent and eliminate insects from entering into your greenhouse is to understand and become familiar with the types of insects which are likely to reside there. The following is a list of the most common types of insects which you will likely find in your greenhouse: ● Aphids ● Fungus Gnats ● Flies (many forms) ● Bloodworms ● Thrips ● Caterpillars ● Mites ● Slugs and Snails Now that you are aware of the different types of bugs and insects which may have taken up residence in your greenhouse, it