Balance Strength With Heart

I wonder if the human touch, which people have, is not one of the greatest assets that one can have. You meet some people, and immediately you feel their warmth of mind or heart. You read a book, sit before the performance of a fine actor, or read a poem -- and there it is -- something that streams into your consciousness. . . . Those who keep climbing higher, in their chosen work, all have this outstanding something. The nurse in the hospital, the man who delivers your mail, the clerk behind many a store counter, and the effective minister or public speaker. Without this human touch, hope has little on which to feed or thrive. - George Matthew Adams Let's face facts. In a leadership role you are paid for making hard decisions that others don't want to make and perhaps can't make. You may remember the old saying "rank has its privileges but also its responsibilities." Your only half right when you focus on the privilege of rank or status of your position. To be an effective leader you must have a balanced approach between accomplishing the objectives of the organization and the needs of the individuals doing the work. It simply boils down to being as fair as possible to both sides. You can be a hard nosed leader; just be fair. People will work very hard for you if they don't like you or your style but they will go out of their to destroy you if they hate you. You may be called upon to make a decision that is contrary to what everyone else is doing. Right is right even when no one else is doing it. Wrong is wrong even when everyone but you is doing it. Too often a leader is driven to satisfy his or her manager, stock holders, board of directors and his or her individual goals that may be contrary to what is the right thing to do. All eyes are on you, whether you like it or not, as a leader you are constantly mentoring and setting the example. Everyone is watching to see what you are going to do. Always do what is right based upon your values, moral and ethical compass regardless of the consequences. It takes personal courage and risk to your career to do the right thing. These hard decisions are not made without impacting the lives of the people work you work with and for. Always keep the welfare of the people you work with in mind when making your decisions. Feel free to use this article, in your publications, in its entirety provided you include the following notice