industrial planning

Industrial planning. The troglodytes executed simple tasks. The planning of the troglodytes was completely processed in memory. The product that consists of six thousand components can be planned only with an electronic processor. The Elements of the planning are the same ones. What distinguishes the planning of troglodyte from planning of the industry is quantity and quality. The troglodyte planned the product and soon afterwards executed it. In the modern company, of big size, are developed and planned many similar products, but only the viable ones are executed. The task of the planning is very bulky. The margin of profit is affected by oscillations of the prices more and more fast. The competitors calculate, not always, the costs accurately and some receive subsidies, this forces the prices down. The period of correcting the mistake in the definition of the price of the product is shortened by the speed with which the product is obsolete. This force the company adopts fast techniques of development of the product and of planning. The software, that develops the product according to the specifications, supplies several solutions for given specifications. This makes possible optimize the product in shorts time. The development of the planning methods walks for the several roads. But gradually all methods, the more improved; tend more and more for unique system (identical). Lacks of the time and the need of great number of people, which work in the same bulky project and must understand one another, forces to eliminate definitions found in the quantitative and qualitative adjectives and to communicate with presentation of numbers. Erudite analysis of the basic premises of planning and the philosophical concepts are substituted by numbers, naked of emotions, and these, the more possible, should be supplied by the virtual entity (software). Analytical separation of the phenomena for the origin eliminates need of subsequent economical and financial analysis, which is slow task (Zeitraubend). This task is multidisciplinary; it demands discussion of a group of experts, or it can be executed by the virtual entity (software). The demand of fast method is survival subject (