[For Men]: The 2 Hidden Secrets of the World's Greatest Marriage Philosophy

Let me guess, you think this is too good to be true. Well, you are about to learn the truth because this is not a gimmick. And no one is talking about this. No one. Read every work, because I will prove it to you. 99.9% of married men... (that includes guys who can't seem to figure why she isn't in the mood)(that includes guys who are miserable & skeptical)(that includes guys that don't realize it's possible to change things in their marriage) (that includes guys who are thinking about cheating) are actually so close (a fraction of a millimeter) to becoming a Super Seductive Husband to their wives that if they only realized it (or had the inspiration to believe for a second) they would be so hyper and excited that the end result would render the whole process useless! OK, let me make it clear... But first, I want to make sure we are on the same page. Because you may agree with everything below or some of the things below or none of the things below: (I've made them as simple as humanly possible) Answer Yes or No: (This is simple) There is a such thing as a Dumb Person. There is a such thing as a Smart Person. Dumb People consistently make Dumb Decisions. Smart People consistently make Smart Decisions. If you explain something to a Person, and he thinks it makes sense - plus he feels and knows that his old way of doing things does not make sense - but yet he continues to do things the old way - is he considered Dumb? Before you answer that I want to tell you a story - a quick story. On a particular day, I was in "chill mode" - life was great and the birds were singing all of my favorite songs! I was talking to a gentlemen about how he could make a particular girl he just met more attracted to him. And he said "it makes sense" and then the next day, he came back to me and said "damn! that's some brilliant stuff!" and I just smiled. (This has happened plenty of times - but I'm not bragging because there is no reason to.) He then asked me the famous question... "How in the hell do you come up with this stuff?" I just smiled. Now, let me get to something that puzzles the hell out of me (or at least it used to). And by the way, I never told him how I came up with it - but you may already know... It's the philosophy. It's like putting on magic glasses - where the whole world changes in your favor! Let me know if you agree: (yes or no) 1. Successful millionaires are using a BETTER PHILOSOPHY for making money than homeless people. 2. The husband who is consistently making his wife hot and slippery-horny with ease (where she has the "mean sexy eyes" - with the long deep breathing) is using a BETTER PHILOSOPHY than the husband who does not consistently turn his wife on. This is simple, right? 2 Apples + 3 Apples = 5 Apples. (It's that simple.) The true measure of intelligence (to me) is how often you do things that make sense to you. And the growth (and results) that come with that is based on how consistent you are at making the right decisions (doing things that make sense to you). That's the greatest marriage philosophy by the way. The first secret to becoming a Super Seductive Husband is obvious: "You must do what makes sense. And stop doing the things that don't make sense." (This forces you have the "mental fuel" to execute the world's greatest seduction philosophy) If you are not getting results, it is because you are doing things that don't make sense. I hope that makes sense. And if this sounds obvious to you and you practice this secret, then congratulations. Because that means you only need to remember the second secret: "You must understand all of the amazing things that you are actually doing right now - because when you combine those things with "Special Fuel" your wife will go wild" It may be hard to believe, but listen and hear me out. I know what I'm talking about. I have several books containing bizarre seduction techniques (for men in relationships)that flat out work (and yes you can verify this), so trust me when I say this. You don't have to be a rocket scientist. Every man is doing brilliant things that they can be using to turn women on. My latest ground breaking discovery (and modern science isn't even talking about this) is that most husbands are 99% close to becoming irresistably magnetic to their wives it's almost too good to be believe. Warmly Instructor CR James "The Father of TreePortal.com/10"