Wedding Web Site Design - How to Design a Wedding Site That Others Will Rave About

If you are in the process of design a wedding web site, you want to put some serious thought into the design of your site before actually building it. The reason you need a plan is so that you know where you are going and how to get there, the plan is a roadmap of sort for the success of your wedding web site. There are a variety of things you need to keep in mind when designing a wedding web site your friends, family, and visitors will rave about, so consider the following suggestions before you get going. Tip #1 - Plan You should first make a plan for your wedding website and address your different goals and what kind of audience you are trying to reach. Will this be a typical wedding site, one designed for outdoor weddings only, different faith marriages, will you include rings, dresses, invitations, and other information? Will you simply write stories about weddings? You must come up with a cumulative plan, one you can certainly modify as you go along. The more detailed and in depth your plan, the better. You need to have a vision of your site before you start building and designing it and a plan is the starting point. Tip #2 - Evaluate You should do some serious research on the Internet and check out as many wedding sites as possible. Make a checklist to go over while you are viewing each website that includes things like organization, colors, topics and themes, not to mention ease of navigation, URL formatting, speed, links, and other interesting information. By reviewing what works and what doesn