The Most Critical Piece Of Weight Loss Advice

Weight Loss Advice Has Never Been More Critical The Weight Loss Advice You Receive Will Determine, Right From The Start, If You Are Successful or Not Many people say nutrition is the most important aspect, others say it's fitness that is the #1 key to weight loss. Is there a set "#1 aspect to weight loss," well yes. But it's not one specific topic, it's where that topic or piece of information is coming from that is the #1 factor if you are successful or not! People ask our professionals all the time ... what is the #1 key to permanent weight loss. The answer is very simple -- who and where your getting your weight loss tips and information from. The Problem with the weight loss industry at this very moment ... Is the millions of quick-fix, miracle diets, exercise contraptions along with all the misleading advice that surrounds the average person surfing the 'net looking to lose some weight and gather some information. So many people and sites claim to be experts, yet very few have the credentials to back it up! Answer this question: If your car was in need of repairs, would you take it to get fixed from a guy who was driving around a beat up car that was leaking fluids, could not start and when it did start it would stall out repeatedly, and was in overall bad shape. Heck No! He can't even fix his but he is going to tell you how and what to do with yours! Let's face it, you aren't going to be very confident in it getting fixed! So why would you do that with your body and weight loss? Below are some of the problems that the average person faces along with our recommendations on what to look for and check out. Weight Loss Forums: While finding an "online buddy" is good, many forums are simply the "blind leading the blind" (no disrespect). The online forums are famous for posting bad advice. Who is giving this advice? Is it the web site owner who is simply offering advice that may have worked for him/her. Well that's great but it may not work for you and your situation. Many weight loss forums are just a bunch of people simply giving out advice that they think may work or has worked for them before. It is a bunch of people who "are not 100% sure" about what is going on with weight loss -- after all, more often than not, that is why they you go in there -- for new information and tips to help you. Weight Loss Web Sites: Again, 95% of all weight loss web sites were started by some "Joe Average" who is simply posting links to a ton of other weight loss and diet sites. None of which have the right credentials to be offering any advice or tips. Ant the real shame in all of this ... is that many of the weight loss web sites are offering some sort of quick-fix solution that they promise you that you can still eat cake all the time, not exercise and still lose "20 pounds in 2 weeks!" This simply screams scam! Remember these when looking for weight loss advice: * Check the credentials: Who is offering the advice? Is it someone reputable? If it's a health professional that has appeared in world wide magazines, (such as our service), or are they a certified fitness professional or dietitian - if so then I would listen. But if you can't seem to find any credentials I would be very wary of listening to their advice. * Are there false claims on the site right away? If right away the site is telling you that you can drop 20 pounds in one month with little effort, bail out of there right away! * Watch out for certain words. Forums are famous for this ... we constantly see forum posts with people saying ..."you might want to try this, and you might try that." If someone tells you to try something, more times than not, they are offering something that they think may work. And we're assuming that you can't afford to "try" anything, you need results and you need them now! The#1 factor in your weight loss will be the information you receive at the very beginning of your weight loss "campaign." Arm yourself with the proper knowledge, and you are sure to be successful, but if you follow bad advice, you're very likely to end up at the very spot to started -- still looking for answers and bigger than you want to be.