Weight Loss For Life - A Scientific, Evidence-Based Weight Loss Program

Drgily.com is proud to introduce their free on-line weight loss program, "Weight Loss For Life". What sets it apart from other programs available on-line is its exclusive reliance on scientific evidence and its ease of use. Similar to other on-line weight loss program, the experience at drgily.com starts by creating a personal account. But this is where the similarities end. Based on the information given at registration, a personal profile is generated that includes the user's healthy weight range, total calorie requirements, daily calorie allowance and his/her body mass index. The users are then helped to set up realistic weight loss goals, monitor their daily diet and physical activity through a simple and intuitive self-monitoring system, and plot their weight on a weekly weight change graph. Also, a color coded calendar provides a quick and powerful way to assess their overall performance one month at a time. The "Weight Loss For Life" program has two phases: 1) "The Weight Loss Phase", for the first 6 months, and 2) "The Weight Maintenance Phase", for the next 6 to 12 months. During the first phase participants are taught the "Ten Commandments of Weight Loss" that enables them to reach their short-term weight loss goal. After the 6 months milestone, the weight maintenance phase begins, and the healthy habits developed in the first phase are consolidated. All recommendations are based on the landmark report issued by the National Institutes of Health and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: "Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults - The Evidence Report". The program was designed to be a practical, personalized implementation of these guidelines. As stated above, this is what makes it unique among the myriad of on-line weight loss programs. For more information, please visit www.drgily.com or www.drgily.com/join_fo rm.php Contact: Gily Ionescu Weight Loss For Life admin@drgily.com