You dont need to starve to lose weight. Its about balance.

When most people decide to lose wight they think they should go on low calorie diets and then go to the gym and work out. WRONG WRONG WRONG. This is overdoing everything and it creates to much strain on your body and mind. You are putting less calories into your body and then making your body work harder to use those less calories. Entering into a diet and exercise plan like the one detailed above is planning to fail. You will be hungry and tired which will probably be something that you are not uccostomed to so you need to rework your thinking to do it more gently Working a plan to slowly and gently lose weight will help you in the long run becuse it will be much less of a strain on your body and mind and you will be able to continue dieting and your weight loss plan much longer and with less pain. If you slowly regulate your calorie intake as well as very slowly increasing your exercise regime just 1% every day after 100 days you will be 100% better. This all makes perfect sense to me and i hope that it makes good sense to you becuse this is a very effictive method of weight loss. I was rather big and i was always tired and i found this was the best way for me so i think it may be the best way for weight loss for many people. I am now a slim healty person and i stil only eat a little less than i did before and i only exercise moderately. Hope some of this has helped you. You are more than welcome to use this article on your site as long as you include a live link to with the anchor text "Private Detective Software".