Truth or Consequences - Weight Loss for good!

What if you could actively change the outcome of your life by eating better and getting daily exercise? What if you felt better had more energy, less pain, and a better attitude toward aging? What if you approached life with more confidence, rather than dreading the day? The fact is you will never know ahead of time when your life will end. Life, love and logic never seem to be on the same page. You can leave this earth anytime and for any reason. How you decide to live those days before you do go is your choice. You can continue down the path you're going with achy joints, low energy levels, high stress, and poor eating habits or you can choose a different path. The health of America is going to get worse before it gets better. Diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease-are all at epidemic levels. And for the first time in history the kids of today are projected not to live as long as there parents have. The only way for the health of America to get better is for all of us to be personally responsible, change our attitudes toward exercise, and support one another in the process. In the "good years," more money, more marketing and more-for-me attitudes enabled us to focus on making the big bucks. It allowed us to put off worrying about healthy bodies. The accent was on NOW and not later. But the fiscal wealth we accumulated years ago is NOW being drained by our physical healthcare costs. Eventually, our bad health will consume all the extra dollars we worked so hard to earn. Some of the responsibility falls with the big corporations, insurance companies and hospital groups. But at the end of the day, the buck stops with YOU. The reality of this situation bites; however, the solution is not to ignore it, but to encourage people to embrace it. Many of you have either given up on yourself or just flat out are living in denial. Either way the choice is still yours. The fact of the matter is there is still hope for America and there is still hope for you, too. Don't let the buck stop with you. Take care of your own life before it takes charge of you. Why start now? Pay me now or pay me later. I can just hear the doctors say. With life comes responsibility and with decisions comes consequences. It's your choice today to do something positive. Tomorrow it may be out of your hands. Remember the three underlying emotions that keep us from taking better care of ourselves: denial, pride, and laziness. Consciously or subconsciously, this threesome is the root of why most Americans have allowed themselves to get in the shape they are in. Are you one of them? Chances are sooner or later one or all three will be riding with you in the car to the hospital. Have you found yourself saying these things? DENIAL "It won't happen to me