Containers to Store Your Food And Keep Sickness Away

Have you ever done grocery shopping? If so, you have seen the enormous food container models which are in the market today. Before vacuum packaging and food containers came into the food industry, people used other means and methods to store and preserve food. Salting, pickling, bottling, and drying are among the most common methods of traditional food storage. Later on, when refrigerators came into the mass market, people used containers to store and preserve food. Food storage is a process which has domestic and industrial importance. Its purposes include preparedness for famine and special events, taking advantage of food surplus during harvesting time, creating a balanced diet, and planning for an emergency. It is helpful to have stocked enough supply of food when catastrophes such as floods occur. It is also a comforting knowledge to have enough food supply to last until the next harvest time. Containers play an important role in the storage and preservation of food. Grain products can be stored in tight and sealed containers to lessen the moisture that attacks them. This also prevents the accumulation of molds and vermin. These food products are also better stored in sealed containers than in sacks which can encourage the growth of bacteria. Fruits can be wrapped in paper and stored in box containers to last months of storage. Meat can be salted and placed in plastic containers for later storage in refrigerators. Commercial food storage using containers also promotes physical protection of the product. For efficiency, smaller food items can also be stored together in one package to facilitate easier storage. Containers also help in the easy and hygienic marketing of food products. The commonly used containers and packaging materials in the market today include corrugated cardboards, wood wool, jute sacks, paper, plastics, wood, and bubble wrap. The type of material is chosen based on the value of the product, the product's sensitivity, expected damages, size of the product, weight of the product, and the shipping method to be used. These materials are then created into different types of packaging and containers which include boxes, pallets, bottles, bags, cans, cartons, wrappers, blister packs, vacuum packs, and aseptic packages. Other special containers use a mix of technologies for optimum durability. These can be bags in a box, which is usually used for bottled products; or bags in boxes which are used for soda drinks. Today, food storage and preservation has come a long way from how it used to be ages ago. Most kitchens now are equipped with refrigerators for cold storage, and other containers holding food products. Food manufacturers have also become very innovative in the presentation of their food products. Their food containers are the reflection of their products' individuality. Poorly-packaged food is prone to spoilage and is an easy breeding ground for many bacteria and viruses which are lethal to humans. As food safety and hygiene became a concern among consumers, more and more containers are being manufactured and used to comply with these demands. Different governments from different countries have also set their own standards with which food manufacturers comply. Food containers in supermarkets now display a lot of information to satisfy cunning consumers. These can include cooking time, number of servings, "display by" and "use by" dates, nutritional information, weight in kilograms, freezing and storage instructions, manufacturer name, and a barcode.