Clams A La Du Chef

Are you a seafood lover well if you are here is something different, this recipe will tantalize your taste buds and make you scream for more, this is a great appetizer as well as a wonderful dinner, in this recipe you must use your judgment and use as much of a particular ingredient that you like or as little of each that you don't like but you will find that by adding all the ingredients gives a nice balance to this dish. Am I making you hungry? Well I hope so, now do stay with me because I can show people how to do things better than I can tell you. Ok were off.

Open 12 raw clams to be on the half shell and do take the time to check for pieces of shell in the clam, loosen the calm from the bottom part of the shell.

Herb Butter for clams: Butter Mince some watercress, parsley, shallots, anchovies, almonds, just a bit of garlic Add some Pernod wine, Anisette, and a few drops of tobasco sauce Mix the above ingredients together.

Place some of the herb butter mixture on each of the clams then place a