11 Hot Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed

Copyright 2005 Mukee Okan Ever wanted to achieve more sexual pleasure for you and your partner? Have you ever felt like your sexual patterns are preventing you and your lover from experiencing sex as blissfully as you know it can be? Does the prospect of having sex sometimes seem too daunting just because of a history of unsatisfying experiences? Changing your sexual patterns may be a burning issue for you, a passing curiosity or perhaps you know someone that could benefit from this information. In any case I am sure you will find the following informative and interesting. 1. Slow down. It may seem obvious, but the number one way to make sex last longer is to do everything slower. Breathing, feeling, foreplay, kissing and intercourse are all parts of the sex act that do not need to be rushed. 2. Give everything time. Every moment in sex is worth experiencing fully. Let things unfold in their own time and you will be rewarded with richer experiences during sex and more learning and satisfaction from sex. 3. Deepen your breathing. Our breath connects us deeply to our body and its rhythms, as well as the rhythm of other bodies near us. Focusing on breathing also helps to quiet the mind and sooth any internal dialogue that may be interfering with our natural enjoyment of the sex. Here's a hint, try synchronising your deep slow breathing with your partner's. 4. Let go of expectations. Without expectations around sex, we are free to more naturally savour the experience