The Best Way To Consume Vitamin C

Eating orange mean absorbing vitamin C to our body, is that right? Probably yes because orange is rich with this nutrient. Vitamin C is a very essential nutrient for human body because its play a great role as a powerful antioxidant. Thus, it will prevent you from free radicals that can damage organs, tissues, and cells in the body. The antioxidant is also used to prevent and treat the common cold and flu syndromes. In a word, vitamin C is fundamental in preserving healthy immune system.. Another important function of vitamin C is in the formation of collagen, the connective tissue basis, which is mostly found in skin, teeth, and bones. This vitamin is then needed to give support and shape to the body, to help heal the wounds, and to maintain healthy blood vessels. Some studies have also linked vitamin C with its ability to prevent a number of cancers, to reduce the risk of heart disease, to prolong life, and to keep skin healthy. Known also as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is water-soluble and cannot be stored in the body or kept for later use. The body uses what it needs and the rest is passed in the urine. Thus, it should be taken every day so that you obtain adequate quantity of this vitamin to stay healthy. Consuming foods high in vitamin C is a certainly the perfect way to fulfill it. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are great sources of vitamin C. You can also find vitamin C in fresh vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, and green leafy vegetables. As a substitute, you can also take supplements to complete vitamin C requirement in your body. Natural vitamin C supplements are usually made of rosehips or citrus fruits. These supplements are usually available in tablets or capsules, making it easier for you to acquire sufficient amount of vitamin C; that