Feline Neuter Aftercare

The surgery to neuter your cat involves a superficial incision to remove both testicles. Your cat will be given a short-acting general anesthetic for the procedure. Although many cats seem absolutely 'back to normal' by the evening of the surgery, oftentimes they will be sleepy and want to be left alone. You can offer small amounts of food and water after 6 PM this evening - large amounts of either, on an empty stomach, may induce vomiting. If your cat vomits, take away all food and water and try again in the morning. We recommend that you keep your cat inside for at least 48 hours or until you are assured that he is eating and acting normally. Your cat will keep his incision clean by normal grooming - there is no need for you to wash it, and no need to substitute shredded paper for his cat litter. The scrotum (the sac that held the testicles) will oftentimes swell with fluid - this is normal and should resolve within a week. Your cat has no sutures to be removed. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call your veterinarian. We recommend that you restrict your cat's activity for at least 5 days. It is also possible that your cat may still be able to impregnate a female for the next 30 days. If you have unaltered female cats in your home, or if there are unaltered females cats in your neighborhood; it is advisable to keep the cats apart. The above is general veterinary information. Do not begin any course of treatment without consulting your regular veterinarian. All animals should be examined at least once every 12 months.