The Perfect Pet for You

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. ~Bern Williams Is it that time? Your child has started begging for a pet? Or maybe you want a pet and you're just not sure which one to choose? Well.. before you just rush in and get a pet, you should make sure you're getting the one that suits you and your family. There are lots of options to consider. At many pets stores you can choose from pythons, rabbits, dogs, cats, fish, iguanas, or parrots. Each pet has different characteristics that could either make you love them or just get ridiculously annoyed. Some pets take a lot more work than others and some provide different forms of companionship. You wouldn't probably cuddle a snake, but many people still enjoy having them as pets. Make sure the pet fits into your lifestyle. Also, make sure if it's your child that's asking for a pet that it's not a passing fad. They may say they will take care of it and do all the work and really mean it! But if it's just a fad, you may find yourself with an extra chore and your child could be bored of it quickly. Do you want a dog or cat? Well.. your choice doesn't end there. If a dog, do you care about barking? Different breeds bark more than others. Size matters too. If you want a cuddly dog, don't get a Doberman. But if you want a smart guard tog, he may be the perfect choice. I've got a Poozer personally, which is a cross between a Schnauzer and Poodle, and she is smart, cuddly, small dog who doesn't shed or really cause allergies. But there are so many choices out there you want to make sure you pick the one that suits you the best. For cats different breeds can have different personalities. Do you want someone to play with frequently or more of the independent type. The choice is yours. If you do go with a dog or cat, you MUST think about allergies. They are so prevalent today that it's possible that you or someone in your family has them and doesn't even know it. If you have friends that come over regularly, you might want to make sure with them that they are not allergic to your future pet. There are so many types of allergies and allergies to pets is very common. Do you have to get rid of your pet if you find out you or someone else is allergic to it? Well.. you may have some options. 33% of the people that discover they are allergic to their pet choose to keep their pet anyway. Some who are allergic to their pets still choose to keep them. However, this can come at a cost. First, if your allergies are really severe, you may actually have to get rid of your pet. If they are moderate to low, you could possibly still keep your pet if you make a few changes to your lifestyle. There are many microscopic skin particles that fall off dogs, cats, rabits, hamsters, and other animals. These particles, known as dander, can spread throughout your home quickly and are the main source of allergies. Make sure you clean everything very thoroughly and often to reduce the amount of unseen dander in your home. Also, don't sleep with your pet. The whole time you're sleeping you could be breathing in that dander and making your allergies worse. Don't even allow pets in your bedroom at all to make it a good place to sleep. You should still wash your blankets, sheets, and pillow cases frequently because dander will still find a way into your bedroom. Remember, you spend 1/3 of your entire day sleeping so that room is important. Whatever your choice for a pet, make sure it fits into your lifestyle. You will find it hard to keep your pet and love it if you have to change too much for it. No matter what though, your pet will be with you through thick and thin and be a constant companion when others may leave. They can also provide hours of enjoyment. Love your pet and your pet will love you! It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons. ~Douglas Adams, The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy