Breeding Goldfish - Goldfish Females Appreciate A Date Done Right Too!

Breeding goldfish is actually a fair amount more difficult than most people would think. Much like us humans, Goldfish are rather particular about the conditions in which their little fishy babies will thrive.

Like women, goldfish females appreciate a date done right. They require proper mood lighting and temperature, a nice meal and a romantic environment to "get-it-on".

To breed your fish, these natural phenomena need to be replicated in order to produce the proper conditions for healthy egg production and maturation.

To get the best chances of success for you're goldfish breeding, improve the odds. Rather than tossing one girl and one boy fish into the tank, use a two male to one female ratio. Using six goldfish has pretty good possibilities, without overcrowding the tank. The males and females should be kept separated until spawning season, when they can all be joined in one big party.

Preparations for breeding fish should be taken approximately one year prior to spawning season. During this time, it will be your job as matchmaker to replicate the cycle in their natural environment. During the fall, water temperature should be kept cool; around 35-40