After you've been swinging for a while, or even just in a relationship for a while, you might feel, well, bored with the way things are going. And that's not to say that the relationship is at fault, but things that are repeated can become common place. What can you do to avoid this? Why Roleplaying Might Be The Perfect Part For You When you try something different, you might feel a little hesitant. And for whatever reason, roleplaying seems to be the one that many couples turn a nose to. But let's look at it differently. If you've ever dresses up for Halloween or just gotten 'dolled up' for someone, then you've put a toe into the waters of roleplaying. Stepping into the role of another person can inspire confidence in yourself and in your actions. Because you're not your 'normal' self, you might say things or do things that are out of your comfort zone. And this is good. When you're nervous, letting another persona help you out might be a great way to break your tension. Finding The Role For You Now, I should say that many people aren't 'into' roleplaying, so this is something else that you will need to discuss with your partner or your group of swingers. Of course, if you should find out that someone has a secret fantasy (usually from their partner), then you may want to try it out. Think of this as a costume party of sorts. You get to be whomever you want and you can leave your old self and insecurities behind. You can get ideas from websites or adult video stores. Honestly, most adult flavoured videos involve some sort of roleplaying--because there can't be that many lost mechanics out there! Find something that you've always wanted to be--a French maid? A police officer? Cheerleaders or doctors always work well too. It's amazing how many cheers never get finished, and how many pelvic exams are in dire need of being completed. Playing The Part And don't think that you have to be an Oscar winning performer in order to try out roleplaying. This isn't about getting it perfect; it's about trying to please someone else as well as yourself. It's amazing what a costume can do for the libido. Imagine what the characteristics of the part you are playing would be? Are you tough? Are you innocent? Find what makes this role different from you in real life and over-exaggerate it. You may also discuss with another couple, the idea of incorporating everyone into the roleplaying. Is there some sort of scenario that could involve everyone? Perhaps the women can be 'stranded' at the side of the road and need to be helped by some kind, sexually attractive men. Pretend that you're in a strip club and play the audience and the strippers. Heck, you don't even really need costumes, just a little imagination. We'll talk about roleplaying a little more in depth in a moment, but for now, start thinking up ways that you can become someone else for an evening. Think of it as an adult version of Halloween--sweets and all.