Party Safety - Tips to Stay Safe

Whatever your drug of choice, remember: drugs and alcohol can affect your ability to make decisions (such as identifying danger signs and plotting escape routes). Manage how much you consume. - Always get your own drink. Watch it being poured. - Don't leave it unattended. - Don't drink or taste anybody else's drink. - Don't accept drinks from anyone else. - Dispose of your drink if you think it tastes odd. (If you just leave it, someone else may drink it). - Drugs used to spike drinks can be colorless and tasteless so you might not realize that anything has been added. - Be aware of the behavior of your friends. Is their behavior out of character? Do they seem too "out of it" for what they've had? - Watch out for your friends. Are they drinking or taking too much? Are they making safe decisions? Are they OK? - If your friend needs to sober up or straighten out, check to see that they are OK. Are they alone? Who is with them? Are the safe? - Encourage people who are drunk to drink water or eat something. keep an eye on them, if you can. - Do you really trust whom you are going home with? Are you sure they won't make you do anything you don't want to do? Will they take "NO" for an answer? - If you are going home with someone different, let someone know. Introduce them to your friends. If You're Throwing the Party - Know whom you have invited to the party and plan what you will do if there are gatecrashers. - Provide food and non-alcoholic drink spacers, for example: water, soft drinks or juice. - Keep a look out for your guests. Make sure they're safe and having a good time. - Offer to organize taxis for your guests. Make sure they're safe and having a good time. - Create a safe atmosphere. If you know that someone is harassing or intimidating someone else, then do something about it: 1. Let them know you are watching; 2. Ask the person to stop; 3. Ask them to leave; 4. Find the victimized person a safe place; 5. Don't be afraid to call the police. Stay safe yourself and ask for help if you need it. For products to help keep you safe, visit Urban Safety Supplies.