What You Can Get out of Swinging

So you've thought about swinging and it sounds pretty good. Your partner is interested and you're ready to go. But there's this little voice in the back of your head that's telling you that it's wrong somehow or that there has to be a catch because it sounds too good to be true. Let's talk about what you can get out of swinging, because you may not know the facts. Confidence Confidence isn't just about feeling good about what you look like or how much money you make. Confidence is about being secure in the person that you are. Swinging can help you with this. If you're been thinking about swinging for a while, you've probably put it off because you weren't sure if another couple would like you or if you were open enough. Let me tell you, after the first swinging experience, you will feel much more confident as the person that you are. Sometimes it just helps to jump in. If you already think of yourself as a sexual person, then you may be confident in your abilities, but with another person, you might feel timid. You get used to your partner and what they like. When you're with someone else, you can be hesitant. Swinging teaches you to trust the person that you are and what you think someone else might like. You will be surprised at how right you can be. Talk about increasing your self-confidence... Another side of confidence But it doesn't just stop at thinking that you're some sort of sexual god or goddess. In terms of your current relationship, you will feel that being with another person only shows how deep your commitment truly is. You can share these amazing experiences with someone else, but still love your partner. And they still love you. Confidence in your own relationship is a plus of swinging. Communication Being able to communicate with your partner probably helped you with trying swinging to begin with. You sat down with each other and talked openly about what you wanted to do. But after you've begun swinging, then you realize that you're able to talk even more. Maybe you realize something about your current relationship that needs fixing. After talking about having sexual relations with another person, these minor issues seem like nothing. And knowing that you can talk about anything will help you to get to the real problem and solve it without being judgmental. Of course, if you had communication problems to begin with, swinging can make you shut down even further. Fun There's no doubt that swinging is fun and can give you a fresh perspective on your sexual relationship with your partner. Be up front about things that you'd like to try. As silly as it sounds, you can even make a list (private, of course) for the both of you and cross off 'adventures' as you experience them. The list will grow longer, no doubt, so make sure to update it often.