Two Things To Consider If You Want To Make A Regular Income From Betting On Horse Racing

When placing a bet on the outcome of a horse race, most experienced gamblers take into consideration variables such as collateral form lines, the ground conditions, draw bias and the horse's ability to handle the distance. One of the most over-looked aspects is the statistics a trainer has for a given racetrack. By applying a tried and trusted process that identifies trainers that perform consistently well at a particular track you can make money on a regular basis. Once armed with these nuggets of information, you then have to decide the best way to take advantage of the facts you have to hand. The betting exchanges provide the answer to that particular conundrum. 1. Following A Trainer's Course Statistics The placing of horses is one of the most important factors in the jigsaw of training. Some trainers insist in doing this themselves whereas others find that to do this effectively with a lot of horses is too time consuming and distracts them from the core element of hands on analysis of the horses progress. In either case the placer will tend to rely, where possible on courses where the horses run best. So what causes this belief that a stables horses run well on some courses and not on others? Yes, some of this is psychological, due to the trainer having good memories at a preferred course. However there is plenty of evidence, and the Trainer Trends E-book is as good as you can get in clearly demonstrating that there is not only horses for courses but 'Trainers For Courses'. It is natural for trainers planning a coup to stick to courses that they feel confident will suit their horses. Other elements such as the altitude, the local water and the program book are all other factors but the trainer trends publication clearly shows that a select band of trainers seem to excel year on year at certain race tracks. 2. Take Advantage Of The Inflated Odds Offered On The Betting Exchanges Betting exchanges were introduced in 2000. Since then, many have written about the pro's and cons of this ever growing phenomenon. Whatever side of the fence you sit on one thing is for sure...once you have an edge it can make an enormous difference to your profits. The Trainer Trends recommendations in 2005 exemplify this. Out of 414 bets, 110 were winning wagers. Over this betting sequence, someone using this system and taking the starting price would have netted a level stakes profit of +