Making the Right Wallpaper Style Choice
Sometimes, too much diversity can be overwhelming, and you often
feel this when you are looking for wallpaper. Millions of online
resources offer you hundreds of thousands of wallpaper styles,
patterns, colors and textures. Books and video tutorials also
cover this topic very well. However, you also need to make the
process as efficient as possible. Here are a few tips that will
help you choose your wallpaper accurately and without spending
too much time shopping around.
One of the best moves is to ask for help directly from the
store. You might be looking for a particular pattern or
wallpaper motif, and the seller will have catalogs where he or
she will help you find the right choice. Most good stores have
complete index books with thousands of wallpaper styles and
colors, so it is very likely that what you are looking for will
be found. It also helps to know beforehand what kind of
wallpaper category you want to purchase. You can get a classical
wallpaper or one for the kitchen, kid's room, textured wallpaper
and so on. Obtain the main categories from the seller, and you
will be able to easily browse through them in the index books.
In order to match wallpaper colors with the other elements in
the room, it helps to be able either to take a piece of fabric
similar to your carpet to the store so that you can compare and
contrast colors on the spot, or to take an indexing book back
home and make the decision there. Remember that your wallpaper
will cover the largest area of the room, often around 60% or 70%
of the entire room surface, so your choice is vital for the
overall visual aspect of the room. Make sure that your chosen
color and texture also fits with the carpet, tiling and
The single most important element in choosing a wallpaper for
your home is to determine the color. As you know, color
symbolism is a powerful tool for creating a certain mood. Green,
for example, is the most relaxing color for our eyes, thus
producing an overall effect of calmness and peace. Of course,
different hues of green can trigger different emotions - a
florescent green is not refreshing for the eyes, but it might
look good in the kids' room. Unless you have light colored
furniture, dark wallpaper colors are not recommended. They tend
to be more practical, since they don't show dirt as easily as
light colored ones, but they also tend to make the room darker
and give it a museum-like feel.
Once you have decided on the color and texture, it is time to
request samples of that particular wallpaper material. Never
make the purchase on the spot. Instead, take the samples home
and test them under different lighting conditions. A color that
looks amazing in sunlight might be terrible under neon or
artificial light. If you are really careful about choosing your
wallpaper style and decorating your home, such picky tests are