Make Money Running an Online Service Without Programming

Make Money Running an Online Service Without Programming These days you always hear about people making tons of money running a website. Recently a European 22 year old trying to pay for college because he made a website that sold advertisements for $1 per pixel. This got so much attention from the media big businesses started buying his ads, funny and creative idea, people everywhere are making money online. How does an online service make money when the service is free? That question is an easily answered one called advertising. You may not know how to program a website but that's perfectly fine, there are many pre-built online services you can just put on your site and start running, one example is a URL forwarding script called A URL forwarding website is a website that makes long website addresses like into a smaller easy to remember website address in the form of, the way you gain money is all the people that register an account for their website have an advertisement put up at the top of it's page. The great thing about the script is that you can edit the advertisement and it's location from the control panel it gives you. Also, if you don't even know how to install scripts they'll install it for you. You can get it for $20 at Hopefully you will learn to create your online automatic online business and eventually become eventually financially free. Until than you may have a lot of learning to do and this script may help you quite a bit with starting out.