All about fishing boat charters
There are many great reasons you may want to book a boat
charter ranging from pleasure boat cruising to an excellent
fishing charter to your favorite fishing destination. This brief
article will give you some excellent tips and recommendations on
doing your homework prior to hiring a fishing charter. The first
thing you want to do is make sure that your new captain is
licensed for charter fishing. If you are chartering from a large
marina, you will find that the marina requires their captains to
meet certain qualifications before they will allow them to run a
boat for their fleet. Even if you are fishing a lake where a
coast guard license may not be required, it is good to find a
captain that is qualified. Obviously, for safety reasons, a
trained, experienced captain will give you peace of mind. When
selecting the right charter company, make sure you contact the
local tourism authority as they are an excellent source of good
charter operators.
Remember that captains and mates will not share all of their
secrets about their charter, but remember that you are paying
for the trip so ask questions about the best season, tackle and
more. You will be glad you did. You will find that it is best to
take your own gear on fishing boat charters. For the most part,
the gear is used heavily on a charter boat and you may have
grown accustomed to your own gear instead. Most captains are
amenable to the idea.
One very important thing to remember before you your fishing
charter is to get LOTS OF REST the night before. Stay away from
fried foods the night before and eat a light dinner, because a
day's fishing on the water is going to take a lot out of you. Be
sure you take along a carbonated beverage or a beer to help with
a churning stomach as seasickness medicine can vary in
effectiveness. Another good tip is to let the marina personnel
clean your fish for you, as it will avoid delays for everyone.
Finally, take lots of sunscreen lotion along and a camera to
capture the action-packed day on film. It is a good idea to read
more about this awesome hobby and learn more about it before you
head out onto the sea or lake. Have fun, and enjoy this
excellent time on the water!
Terry Price is a regular author to-
where you can learn more about boat charters.