Clover. Is it all that it is made up to be?
In today's markets most seed companies have what is said to be
the best. Well what do you think? We all have been told or have
read something about the white and red clovers, crimson and the
white tail clover. High protein clovers as well as the 38
percent protein clovers. Every seed company say's that theirs is
the best but only a few tell you in what regions that these
clovers are the best. The trick to any planting is the region
that these clovers are planted. In cool climates or warm
climates some will do very well in the south in wet areas, sandy
areas and some do well in the north wet and sandy areas as long
as there is enough sun light to allow the photosynthesis process
to work. No matter what people claim the trick is the seed that
is suitable for your region. Take the time to correct ph levels
that are suitable for the seed that is planted along with soil
preparation, the preparation of the soil along with a good solid
fertilizer program and adequate moisture will certainly help in
the yields that follow. Clover is a high protein legume that
benefits the animals that feed from it and contributes nitrogen
to the soil.
When you plant clover always use the recommended inoculants for
the seed that is going to be planted. When planting clover or
any type of wild life planting I prefer to use Bio Stimulants
like the RACKMAX brand because it
is so cost effective for what it does. These are plant growth
hormones that enable a plant to manufacture natural sugar that
gives a plant more early season vigor, better stands, faster
germination, more leaf area sooner, & much sweeter plants by
increasing the starch and sugar production. This makes a plant
resistant to freeze, drought, overgrazing, and errosion. It
increases the root system up to 300% and has a positive impact
on plant health. Most of us know a clover seed is very small and
does not produce a very large root system when you can help a
plant increase the way that it absorbs moisture and nutrients
this alone will help the survival rate of the plants. One word
of caution about using a Bio Stimulant on clover plant enough or
the deer will decimate it. The inoculants for the type of clover
that you purchase can be purchased in a packet by it self if you
have a seed that has already been inoculated it will not hurt to
add some more, this will insure that all of the seed has a good
dose of inoculants on them. When planting clover try to plant on
a good seed bed if you have a cult a packer use it if you don't
then get the ground ready a week before planting, trying to get
the ground even to avoid small shaded areas in the field this
will let the dirt settle and tighten up a bit. Clover seed is
very small, if you plant say 12 to 20 pounds to the acre it is
hard for the birds to do much damage to it so put out the seed
and let the rain bury it or you can drag it in with a piece of
chain link fence. The ideal depth is about